Sunday, April 1, 2018

Redefining the Word, Spontaneity

Spontaneity: I don’t know what the hell it means; I wasn’t even able to spell it without the help of google AI; however, I have come to realize that I am able to create for myself a new definition of any word, specifically tailoring it to me, from which I am then able to live as a point of self creation. So where do I start?

Each sentence I type is automatically crossed checked in my AI (read mind) and from this point, I see that my writing is not an act of spontaneity. However, it is an outflow of my self-directed intention - with the aid of my mind. Even the learning to spell this word, that I do in my mind is of a design. It’s called human intelligence, but it’s really just another form of AI called consciousness that we humans have adapted to and now claim to be, even though I am certain that we are able to be so much more. Jeepers creepers, when and if the time comes to begin plugging people into the Matrix to power a so-called new race of machines, there need not even be a war, because people will be lining up to swallow that blue pill - just dying to remain asleep within the dream of living. But that’s another story; unfortunately, one that I guess, too, has already been written, pre programmed within and as the design of this physical reality and dare I say, even the interdimensional one going way, way back, which interestingly is both inside and outside our little domes as the within and the without.

Is what I just wrote spontaneous? It is, at least a little bit with just a little help of the preprogrammed design of my mind. Furthermore, the part of myself that is directing the course of this writing, which keeps pushing  to stay on topic here rather than let myself go down a tangent branch of which there are so many. Like a huge tree with strong branches spreading upwords and outwords into and as innumerable side branches of roads leading off to oblivion, I stand ready to expand within and as the process of self creation. The key is to use what I am now, mind, being and body to change/create myself into and as something new that stand equally as one of what is best for all = the new.

As I have no reference for this word, spontaneity in terms of how to really live it, perhaps I will instead begin by recognizing what it is not, while keeping in mind (to an extent) that to participate as a human being in this reality requires a certain amount of compromise in recognition of the design of the structure of the system that keeps everyone and everything together in one place. “One place,” that is another huge branch of tangents that I would just live or love to go off on. My guess is that our globe is not even a globe, but a dome with a sun and a moon inside and enclosed into and as an “almost” separate reality, certainly a dimension of dimensions, which we define as physicality. I will talk more about this for sure because, as human awareness humans expands, I pick it up, too, and tend to investigate it. Nothing really spontaneous about this point though. In fact, I don’t see anything spontaneous about me at all; however, I did for the first time just learn how to spell spontaneous, which is an example of self direction. Herein, once again I see (in the small) that I am able to direct myself to learn new things and right now, I am focusing on designing into and as myself a new definition for living the word, spontaneous.

Spontaneous is not-moving within and as the pre programmed designs of myself, yet this is also not to say that I may not use such designs to imagine and create newly designed structures in consideration of the parameters that I’ve already established within and as myself in relation to existing here as a human equally as one with what is best for all within and as this physical reality. Thus, the possibilities and potential remain unlimited because that which is best or beneficial to all is also best or beneficial to myself and vise versa. In short, I now see that there’s no way I’m going to list all of what spontaneity is not, nor all of what it is. Therefore, perhaps I’m better off keeping it simple for now and taking baby steps into and beyond the waters that I am familiar with, to branch out, find and/or creating new pathways.

Yep, it is a lot said just to find myself staring once again at the same question, what is my new definition of spontaneity? The funny thing is that, whereas I always used to insist on the right to choose, I now see that not only does this right and ability seem to add complexity to my living, but it also definitely comes with  more responsibility. For example, I have a new espresso machine, but that doesn't mean that I can overdo it on the coffee without consequences. I have a car, a motorcycle and enough money to do something new, e.g., live the word spontaneity, yet this, too requires some responsible planning/designing how I am going to do this in consideration of the overall structure of the physical reality.  Hell, let’s just see what Google has to say. Spontaneity: the condition of being spontaneous; spontaneous behavior or action.: "she occasionally tore up her usual schedule in favor of spontaneity". See, even the AI (by itself) isn’t always going to have the answers and this here realization is my entry point of self-creation, wherein I utilize what I am right now as mind, being and body standing together as one from a starting-point intention to create myself in ways that are best for all parts of me. Which is to say definitively that, I come not to destroy the AI mind, but unite all parts of us in cooperating movements designed to benefit all equally as one, which is mathematically, logically, definitively and so on what is best for all.

Getting back to the topic at hand, usually on Sundays, I would get up and write as I am doing now and then go for a swim or a walk. However, while I enjoy these parts of my day, as they are both beneficial and fulfilling, they only fill about half of the day. After that, it’s almost like I usually go into a waiting mode wherein I’ll sometimes cook, have some wine and/or beer and entertain myself via the internet in the search for “more” information. Herein, I realize that this kind of behavior is neither beneficial nor “fun” as per my new design of fun which now requires benefit overall for me to live and express this word.

In short, fun, as I now define it is physical movement in ways that are beneficial to myself and my environment which are one in the same. Therefore, what is truly beneficial to myself is also going to be truly beneficial to my environment and vise versa. The reason I redefined this word in such a way is to improve the chances of remaining physically in this reality, kind of like realigning myself to a more healthy lifestyle so as to enjoy physically walking my process. See, I learn from my mind as a reflection of myself, while the my mind as myself learns from me as a being, while the physical body stands as an example and an  opportunity to understand how to live equally as one I stand of integrity.

Let’s look again at Google’s definition of spontaneous:
performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus.: "the audience broke into spontaneous applause" "a spontaneous display of affection". synonyms: unplanned, unpremeditated, unrehearsed, impulsive, impetuous, unstudied, impromptu, spur-of-the-moment, extempore, extemporaneous, unforced, voluntary, unconstrained, unprompted, unbidden, unsolicited, off-the-cuff.

That sounds like ecstasy to me, which reminds me of what someone once told me, that everything is by design. In the past, I interpreted this to mean that everything was already preprogrammed to play out. What I didn’t realize though was that, everything being of and by design also indicates that I/we are able to create  “by design”, new things or designs to be included within and as everything. Wow! I always thought “by design” referred to a past tense doing and done things that we were all tied and limited to. Now I see that, “everything is by design” indicates simply that, whatever I care to have included into and as the design of everything, requires simply that I design it as part of everything and live it into creation, creator creating creation.

I realize that I’ve written a lot about designing and creating before; however, I always did so from a somewhat corrupted viewpoint of feeling that I was being infringed upon by the current design, as though I were trapped by something out there rather than seeing, realizing and understanding that, as past, present and future, I/we are in all ways the creators creating creation. These words that I write may not make sense to some; however, when I look at the tree or three of me, I see that wherever I go I will always remain the same tree of life. Herein, the question is not what I will be, but who I will be as a design of life as a matter of the relationships that I create myself as. Thus it is for me to either remain as “I am” or to grow and expand beyond where I currently am to understand new possibilities and live to my potential.

Alright, let’s put this into actionable words as a design or definition that I am able to walk and live into self creation so I can move on to the swimming or walking part of the day.

My New definition of Spontaneous (a work in progress): unplanned ways that I move myself physically from a starting point intention to benefit myself as well as my environment by participating in new (to me) activities  for the purpose of expanding myself awareness and living expression. Haha! That was simple enough.

Herein, I forgive  myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit the definitions of what I do to that of what I’ve already done and considered to be fun, instead of gifting myself opportunities to expand to new expressions by way of living spontaneously (in consideration of the structure of this reality) wherever and whenever I am able.
Furthermore, I commit to practice living spontaneous/spontaneity/spontaneously from the starting-point intention to expand into and as the unknown to better understand my potential.

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